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Mobile Concrete Batching Plant
Mobile Concrete Batching Plant

Mobile concrete batching plants can be transported with a single tractor as all components are designed to be placed on the main chassis. Optionally, a feedback unit can be used.

Concrete batching plants can be placed at the desired location according to the conditions of the construction areas. Layout designs are made by Asur Makina meticulously, considering all kinds of factors and keeping the economy of the construction site in the foreground, at minimum operating costs.

Asur Mobile Concrete Batching Plants, the product of the latest technology and extensive

R &D studies, preferred by ready-mixed concrete producers and construction companies in project-based concrete production;

It is one step ahead with its portability, fast installation and ease of use in small spaces, high performance and quality.

Regarding Mobile Concrete Batching Plants, there are plants with the characteristics of 15 m3, 35 m3, 60 m3, 100 m3 and 120 m3.

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